Our accountants have the knowledge and skills to help you when you are ready to pass on your wealth or we can help you plan how to transfer your wealth when you are gone. If you own a business, we help you prepare to sell or transfer the business. We can refer you to a lawyer to prepare a will or power of attorney if one is needed.
By understanding your specific situation, we assist in protecting your assets from potential lawsuits and ensure ongoing asset management by using trust structures to shield your assets from creditors.
Together with our trusted financial advisor, we can help you plan for your future by providing high quality and reliable advice that enables you to grow your investments while protecting your current and future wealth. Our advisor can also help you choose the right type of insurance and cover.
Together with our trusted financial advisor we assist clients in setting up Self Managed Superannuation Funds and our financial advisor can help you with proven strategies to grow your assets.
Call us for a free 1 hour consultation on 08 9321 4974.
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